Cedar Hill Prep Preschoolers performed a winter experiment with water for their science lesson. The children observed water being poured into 3 separate muffin tins. Each child swished their fingers in the water to observe what they saw and felt. Each muffin tin was then placed in 3 different areas. One remained in the classroom, one was placed in the freezer, and the last was placed outside overnight. The children then gave their predictions as to what they thought would happen to each tin of water. Some thought the water would change colors and some thought the water would turn to ice.
The next day the children observed that the water placed in the freezer had frozen, the water left in the classroom remained the same and the water placed outside froze but began to melt when the sun came out. After keeping the frozen tins in our warm classroom, the children observed that the ice had turned back to water. We then read the book, The Snowy Day, where the boy in the story makes a snowball, puts it in his pocket for later that night in his warm house. He later discovers that his snowball was not in his pocket anymore. The children related our science experiment to story. The ice and snowball melted in the warm house/classroom.