School News
School News
CHP believes a nurturing program that fosters emotional, social, and cognitive skills through a scaffolded learning environment of structured and unstructured experiences is imperative in Preschool. Pre-literacy skills are taught with direct explicit instruction in phonemic awareness, alphabet principles with speech/sound correlations. In addition, students are taught number sense, numeration, Social Studies and Science as they apply to daily life.
Students are integrated into the school-wide curriculum with classes in World Language, Art, Music, Guidance, Technology, Gym, and CHP special events. These become the building blocks that allow a fluid transition into Kindergarten and the early Elementary School.
Discover how Cedar Hill Prep can help your child reach their unique potential. Our students are in the top 10 percentile in the United States and our educators are delighted to showcase our offerings. We are currently taking applications and processing enrollment.
2024-2025 School Calendar
Do you love blogs? Do you like hearing about best education practices and getting parenting tips to support your child’s learning path?
Our faculty and administrative team have an exciting year lined up. If you love blogs and would like to stay connected with our school community, you're in the right place! Look out for news and events that take place at our school right here on our very own blog site!
Distance should never get in the way of education.
Cedar Hill Prep School offers several transportation methods to ensure a Cedar Hill Prep School is always in reach. A plethora of communities can take advantage of these routes, including:
- Princeton
- Franklin Park
- Rocky Hill