The Cedar Hill Prep “CHPS United” robotics team presented “Robot Idol” as part of the 2019 RoboCup Junior USA OnStage competition on May 19th. The competition (ages 12 – 19) integrates science, technology, engineering, and the arts. The students presented a two minute creative stage performance, including choreography, set design and construction, costume design, music, and video design. They used autonomous robots that they designed, built and programmed. The competition emphasizes creativity often involving robots interacting with other robots and/or humans. Against a high level of competition, the “CHPS United” robotics team performed exceptionally; with an enjoyable, fun, and well executed entertaining program.
We thank all those who participated with enthusiasm, imagination, and dedication. A special thank you to our graduating 8th grade participants for their leadership and mentorship. We wish you well in High School and beyond.