5 Scenarios When Choosing Private School Over Public School Makes Sense

The decision to private school your child can seem like a daunting one and is certainly not one to take lightly. You need to consider many facets of your situation as you make this big choice not just for yourself, but for your entire family. With that in mind, there are definitely certain scenarios in which private school will always be a preferable option to public school; here are five of them.


1) Your Child Requires Individual Attention To Shine 

Every person is different and has unique needs. The optimal scenario for your child’s learning will be different from that of every other child in school. If you know that your little one is gifted and simply requires a bit more attention and individual instruction to thrive, private school is the way to go. With small class sizes, instructors can focus on the individual learning needs of each pupil and ensure that they are provided the best opportunity for achievement.

2) You Worry About The Culture Of Your Neighborhood

Where you live has a huge impact on your child’s public school experience. If you are located in an area that doesn’t encourage the values that you want for your child, you need to seek out an institution that will foster those values. Since many private schools have a specific creed that they adhere to (be this a set of ideals, spiritual beliefs, or simply a school-wide ethics code), you can trust that a private school will be up front about the ideals and standards that your child will be held to. Matching these standards to your personal values will mean enrolling your child in a community where expectations of behavior match your own.

3) You Worry That Your Child Will Be Unprepared For College

Due to the realities of public school funding, state-mandated testing, and the need to provide an education to every student who walks through the door of a public school, some schools have been forced to lower their standards when it comes to your child’s education. If you are worried that you live in an area where public school standards are such that they will harm your child’s chances at being accepted into (and subsequently succeeding in) a good college, you need to look for other options that will give your child what he or she needs to be prepared for the future.

4) You Worry About Your Child’s Safety At School

Whether you are concerned about bullying, targeted teasing or simply the environment of your local public school, your top priority should always be your child’s safety. Private schools have much better track records with discipline than public schools, which make them a safer environment for pupils. Your child should always feel safe at school, and perhaps private school will help her find the security she needs to succeed.

5) “Teaching To The Test” Is Not An Acceptable Learning Style To You

Since private institutions are not generally bound by constant state-mandated standardized testing, the diversity of the private school curriculum allows for much more freedom in catering to a variety of different learning styles. The pressure of standardized testing can often lead to poor performance by students and teachers alike; freedom from this constraint can free your child to get the most from his education.

At the end of the day, your decision must meet your (and your family’s) needs and requirements. The choice to private school your child is one which might open up a universe of learning potential to your brightest pupil..

What factors are most important to you when deciding how to school your child? Let us know in the comments.