Lights were bright in preschool at Cedar Hill Prep as the children learned a little bit about the holidays of Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and Christmas. The children enjoyed learning about different holiday customs and celebrations.
Preschoolers learned about Hanukkah, the festival of lights. During our Hanukkah week, the children learned that the menorah candles are lit for 8 nights. Some traditional food include potato latkes and jelly donuts.They also learned about a game played with a spinning top, called a dreidel. For a craft, they beautifully colored a dreidel.
Kwanzaa is a seven day festival that celebrates African American culture and history. During Kwanzaa a special candle holder called a kinara is used. It holds seven candles, three red ones on the left, three green ones on the right with a black candle in the center. Each night during Kwanzaa a candle is lit. Our preschool class learned a little about this holiday by reading stories and coloring a paper candle using the Kwanzaa colors. Corn was included to represent the amount of children in the family.
We then celebrated Christmas. The children sang songs, painted a Christmas tree and made a JollySanta. They are anxiously waiting for their visit from Santa!
Happy Holidays and Happy and Healthy New Year to Everyone!!!!