On Pi Day, March 14, 2022, CHP students celebrated the transcendental number, π, in a variety of ways. In their math classes, students played a Pi Challenge dice game, and a Pi Square tangram puzzle, where students had to complete two challenges. Combining the five pieces that they were given, they had to first form a perfect square. It required team effort and unorthodox thinking to meet this challenge. They then had to rearrange the pieces to create a pi symbol. The team which came first earned a homework pass for math class.
Celebrating Pi is not limited to our math classes only. Through art and poetry, students in various classes were able to explore this concept and celebrate Pi Day.
In Grade 6, our young scientists did what every scientist does. They proved Pi. The students used sets of medium size marshmallows to make circumference and diameters, then plugged the numbers into the Pi formula. The students hypothesized results of using jumbo as well as mini marshmallows afterward. All roads lead right back to Pi. It was a piece of cake, or should I say pi(e)!
In addition to honoring the number Pi, March 14th is a day to celebrate Albert Einstein’s birthday, with an Einstein look-alike contest. This year’s winner is Amber Davis, from 5th grade!
No Pi Day is complete without a contest of reciting digits of Pi and eating pies! Each class has a Pi digits winner, and at the end of the week, the class winners will compete for our 2022 CHP Pi winner.