Cedar Hill Prep School is an institution that is always looking forward. We are dedicated to providing a diverse, modern, and challenging curriculum that educates each child as a whole. We do this by ensuring our students are challenged both mentally and physically in positive and creative environments. In an effort to grow these environments, we are looking forward to adding to and growing our programs for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Wharton Arts
Next year you will see the CHP music program developing as we increase the involvement of the Wharton Institute of Performing Arts. Our students will have the opportunities to grow their vocal abilities as well as have increased exposure to learning new instruments. We were elated to have partnered with them in the winter of 2020, unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we were unable to achieve our expected integration. We are working toward seeing that integration goal met in the 2021-2022 school year.
Experiential Learning
Our addition of experiential learning to the curriculum will give students a hands-on take on education. We have partnered with a local farm that allows our students to take their studies into the real world. The student will be allowed to witness first-hand the lessons nature has to offer as they learn by doing. Not only will they learn the importance of agriculture, but they will also witness and participate in the work that is done to get our vegetables from farm to table.
Expanding Athletics
Growing our athletic program has been a long-term goal that we are excited to see unfold. Starting in PRESCHOOL we are encouraging our students to be active. With the addition of Lacrosse and Tennis, we will have a new sport for each day of the week. We will also have after-school enrichment and electives. This will introduce our children to different fundamental sports skills at a young age while keeping our children healthy, active, and having fun!
Exceptional Expeditions
Cedar Hill Prep continues to bring learning outside of the classroom through its expedition program. Offering expeditions to sites like The Galapagos Islands in 2021, Costa Rica in 2022, and Iceland in 2023, adds to the incomparable education that CHP provides for its students. Having these out-of-the-classroom experiences that still focus on education grows the knowledge base of our students.