Kindergarten Graduation

Cedar Hill Prep Kindergarten Graduation

On July 11th 2020, our Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony had a very passionate meaning. It meant that our students had a phenomenal conclusion of two very different chapters and an exciting journey toward another.

In celebration of our students’ achievements, a well deserved tribute was embraced by all. Soft and elegant music played in the background as each graduate and their family members arrived.  Inspirational speeches were given by Our Founder, Nandini Menon and School Principal, Donald Seeley. While properly distanced, wearing masks and caps and gowns, the children sang together in perfect harmony.

One at a time, each graduate received a diploma and awards as they were called to the stage. Then in unison they shifted their tassels from right to left and transformed immediately into our new First Graders!!!

From their loving teachers and administrators, it is with great pleasure that we congratulate and wish many successes to our incredible Cedar Hill Prep Kindergarten Graduating Class of 2020!!!

Cedar Hill Prep Kindergarten Graduation