Is the Pen is Mightier Than the Sword?

Grade 4 Pen is Mightier than the sword

Is the Pen is Mightier Than the Sword?

Grade 4 reflected on the meaning of this adage as it applied to a chapter in their literature that dealt with the premise of Word Wars.  The students then wondered if this related to their own experiences. 
Some of their realizations include:  the power of writing is forever; a pen might not be bulletproof but is still more powerful; words are the key to unlocking new languages to learn and fears to overcome; education is the key to success; books help us to understand things and make assumptions; words connect us to loved ones lost; knowledge is power; words inspire and teach us; words provide the warm, fuzzy memories that bring happiness…. such as a mom’s daily notes in a child’s lunchbox.  These are truly life lessons and
speak highly of the students who have written them.  Awesome writing, Grade 4!

Grade 4 Pen is Mightier than the sword