Grade 4 has spent the past two months studying Election 2020 and thefederal and state governments. Some students even had a chance to watch the debates. Through this process, Grade 4 has formulated their opinions about their experiences as well as suggestions for the future administration.
…The news reporters kept saying this election was very historic because the Vice President is a lady, Kamala Harris, of African American and South Asian background, and it had the highest voting rate in more than 100 years. Everyone came out to vote during the Covid-19 Pandemic which I thought was interesting as I looked at the news and saw people on long lines waiting to vote with masks on, even the elderly. (Amber)
…If given the opportunity to speak to President-elect Biden or Vice-President-elect Harris, I would advise them to lead the country by example. They should always be honest with their citizens since honesty is the best policy… All people are created equal and they need to create unity among all citizens…They need to be trustworthy to the leaders of other nations since creating ongoing relationships with other countries is essential to the growth and safety of the United States. They should conduct themselves with both pride and dignity. Let’s hope they make us proud. (Demi)
… I think in the debates they each could have been more friendly to one another. The debate would have been better if the candidates listed to each other instead of rapidly talking over one another and yelling. (Keri)
…Everyone should have good healthcare and access to good education. (Ava)
… My opinion about the election was that it was very difficult. I feel this way because of the pandemic and what it did to all of our lives and how it affected our lifestyle. It also made more problems, which made more pros and cons, which made it more difficult for the citizens to decide who they should vote for…but the government made it all happen, and we got to vote and elect a new president…as always, everyone has their own opinion. That was just mine. (Anya)
…Even though Covid interfered with how we usually vote, at least we got to vote for our future president. (Ellie)
…There are many questions I would like to ask Joe Biden…I wonder how he is going to change the United States and make it better…how will he get rid of racism and work together with other countries, even though we disagree sometimes…does he have any plans on how to end violence, help the homeless, support good charities, and get rid of pollution so we can have a healthy environment……Ayven
…The Election of 2020 was intense! (Zara)