Throughout October and November, Grade 4 students studied the structure of our federal government and the Presidential Election of 2020. A highlight of their studies occurred on January 20th when they had an opportunity to watch the Presidential Inauguration in class. From the moment the event was broadcast on the class SMARTBoard, our Grade 4 students became totally mesmerized watching the events of the Inauguration unfold. Fully engrossed in every aspect of the event, the students spontaneously rose each time Inauguration guests were asked to stand, recited the Pledge of Allegiance when the audience was prompted to do so, and participated in all of the hand-clapping and standing ovations along with those present in Washington D.C. Watching their Social Studies lessons come alive, it was certainly a day for Grade 4 students to remember!
Grade 4’s Messages to President Biden and Vice-President Harris
After the inauguration, Grade 4 students had an opportunity to reflect on their hopes for the new administration as they wrote messages to President Biden and Vice-President Harris. As we read their messages, it was very apparent that our fourth graders have very definite ideas of what our newly elected administration should focus on. Some of their messages include:
“Please bring the “United” back into the “United States of America”. The states that make up our nation are nothing without being united. The world is divided but what weighs on me most is that America is divided within its own boundaries.” – Demi
“You must have been very brave to take that oath. This must be the biggest moment of your lives. Congratulations to both of you!” – Ellie
“Under your presidency, we can solve the biggest crisis in the world, which is Covid-19, and provide equal opportunities for all people.” – Dev
“Treat everyone as they would like to be treated, no matter where they came from.” – Zara
“I hope you can make history by ending this pandemic so life could be normal again, so 2021 can be a regular year where we can all be happy.” – Kasmyra
“Recommend a law to Congress to put more security in important places so thieves and violent protesters do not break into these places.” – Vihaan
“Covid has made a lot of changes to the world, and it was very chaotic. I think there is a way for President Biden and VP Harris to fix what Covid has done. They could be strict about wearing masks. I think they could charge a small fine for not wearing masks.” – Keri
“Help get more vaccines for COVID-19 out to the country and try to stop racial problems. Also to try and fix immigration problems and try to help people who cannot afford healthcare.” – Anya
“I am counting on you to make a speech so we know what we could do for this virus. So far, you are doing a great job for America.” – Amber
“As you said, you should unite the people. You can even encourage laws to be passed about cutting down trees or hunting down animals and make sure the vaccine is coming out safely. I hope some of my ideas inspire you.”
– Aditi