Every year, each 3rd grader is chosen to be a Super Student! They fill out a poster about themselves, complete with pictures of their family and their hobbies.
The first student describes herself as a ravenous reader. She loves to play board games with her parents and wishes she could fix pollution. The second student describes herself as a mighty mathematician, a ravenous reader, a stellar scientist and an amazing artist. She loves to draw and make potions and wishes that everyone would treat people equally no matter the color of their skin. The third student describes herself as an amazing artist. She loves to do crafts in her spare time and wishes she could right the wrong of robbing in the world! The fourth student loves to play video games and read. He wishes he could fix racism and Coronavirus in our world! The fifth student loves spending time with her family, is an amazing artist and wishes she could save all of the world’s animals! The sixth student describes herself as a tremendous team player, a wonder writer, a stellar scientist, an amazing artist and a harmonious helper. She loves to play with slime and wishes she could stop wars!
Great job, third graders!