Third grade welcomed Doreen Trotta, Lily’s mom as a mystery reader. She read a book called “Butterflies Belong Here” by Deborah Hopkinson. It’s about an immigrant girl who learns English, in part, by reading books about Monarch butterflies. When she learns about why their numbers are declining, she presents a report in her science class and inspires her classmates to create a garden that will be a way station for Monarchs. Through this process, she gains confidence and learns how to be part of her new community.
Third graders loved the book and the animated reading by Mrs. Trotta. Thank you very much for joining us and reading to us!
On December 11th, third graders had an afternoon mystery reader. It was Aariana’s mom, Ankita! She read to us a heartwarming story entitled I Promise by David McPhail. In the story, Baby Bear asks Mother Bear “What’s a promise?” When Baby Bear ask this important question, she promises her cub that she will feed him, play with him, and do everything she can to keep him safe. But Baby Bear had more questions: What happens if you break a promise? Can his mother promise that he will always be happy? In this sweet story, a loving parent has just the right words for explaining that some things in life simply cannot be promised–but family love is forever.