Third grade welcomed their last mystery reader for this academic year with a traditional drum roll. Yanna, Kasmyra’s sister read a very nice book Allie Finkle’s Rules for Girls :Moving Day. The book is about Allie Finkle who likes rules. She records her list of personal rules in a special journal. But her comfortable, orderly life is shaken when her parents decide to buy a creepy old house, to remodel it, and want to move the family, Allie and her two younger brothers, across town. Because of their decision, Allie knows she will have to attend a new school. Not only is Allie worried about entering a new class midyear, she’s concerned about making friends and terrified because she believes (after hearing a neighbor boy’s story) that their new house is haunted. Despite her efforts to sabotage the move, Allie finds herself liking her soon-to-be next-door neighbor and having fun visiting her new school. With the help of her Uncle Jay, she learns a new rule: Sometimes if you’re willing to pretend to like something, you may actually begin to enjoy it.
The third graders enjoyed her animated reading and were very happy to have a great ending to third grade’s tradition of inviting mystery readers! Thank you for making our last mystery reader session so memorable!