On Tuesday, June 8th students were presented with the debate awards. The April 10th Debate Tournament Topics were Prohibit Privatization of Water, and Space Exploration is Good for America.
- Sidharth Nambiar won the Golden Gavel for being the Top Speaker of the entire debate tournament.
- Sarah K won the award for Top Speaker from Cedar Hill Prep School
(came in 2nd in the entire tournament) - Soham Belur won the award for 6th Top Speaker in the Tournament
CHP – 2nd Place School for Total Points
Top Teams in the Tournament
- Third Place – Tea Florencio, Aarna Rao, Aarushi Gupta
- Sixth Place – Ayden Raju, Sidharth Shah, Sanah Shah
In addition to these awards – 12 students from Cedar Hill Prep School volunteered to coach the students from Bridgeton Middle School in preparation for the April 10th debate.
Bridgeton Middle School was represented by one team since they were also on Spring Break. They made history for the Debate Club at Bridgeton Middle School (5 years) by winning the tournament.
Below is what Shawn Bridges, the Debate Coach from Bridgeton, had to say about the Cedar Hill Prep School volunteers.
It’s with great appreciation and sincere gratitude that I write this message. There are very few words to describe how grateful my students and I are that we had the opportunity this past week to collaborate with you and your Cedar Hill Debaters. More commendable is that they gave up hours during their Spring Break. When other kids were outside playing or engrossed in video games, our students discussed the finer points of debate and argumentation. Over the few years that we have been involved in the GSDL, we’ve admired your team from afar. This past week gave us the esteemed honor and privilege to learn from and discuss the topics we debated this past Saturday. What I witnessed was kids doing what they do best when adults stay out of their way. They discard titles, social status, demographics, nationality, etc. They just shared, laughed, and built the foundation of a great and, hopefully, permanent partnership.
― Shawn Bridges, Bridgeton Debate Team