Thank you for a great year!!
Dear Ms. Nan and Mr. Seeley,
Thank you for the wonderful graduation ceremony that also included those who couldn’t attend in person. Though we were unable to attend, we greatly appreciate your work and efforts to give the students a memorable sendoff to high school.
Through this difficult year, CHP has remained a beacon of stability and continuity for our children. Your work in maintaining an intensive level of the school experience is groundbreaking and commendable. No other school that we’ve heard of has achieved this level of immersive virtual education that gives children as near an in-class experience as possible without missing a single day of school.
Thanks to your leadership, thorough planning, and thoughtful execution, our children were able to learn and thrive even in this disruption. Your infectious (!) enthusiasm boosted everyone’s motivation and morale.
The efforts of the teachers and staff in the success of this academic year have been equally remarkable and essential.
We are proud to be part of the CHP community, and we look forward to another great year!
Go Wildcats!!
With deep thanks and best regards,
Manisha and Saurabh Gupta
(Parents of Avi and Isha Gupta)
Parent of Kindergarten Student
Dear Ms. Ruth and Ms. Emily,
First of all Sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart for such an amazing job today that it became a memorable experience for all the kids. They not only enjoyed all the classes, the interactions with kids, and even doing worksheets, but was amazed to see that during the lunch break and recess how HAPPY and EXCITED they were to see each other as if life has come back with full energy back in them. So thanks again for these virtual classes. I keep finger crossed and pray that they keep going as successful as they were today. Thanks again for a wonderful job. God bless you and family for this noble task, and have a great night. See you all tomorrow again.
Be safe and best regards
Richie Khanna
Parent of Grade 2 Student
Dear Mrs. Sheridan & Mrs. Busby (Grade 2 Teachers),
Thank you teachers. You both did a wonderful job today with the kids. After the second session I was able to just leave the room and work which was great. This will definitely work and be a fun experience with learning.
Parent of Grade 2 Student
Thank you Mrs. Sheridan & Mrs. Busby (Grade 2 Teachers), Colin is enjoying the Virtual learning with all of you! You are doing a wonderful job & we appreciate all of your efforts!
Christine & Jason Lande
Parent of Grades 6 and 8 Students
In speaking with the girls, day one of distance learning went far better then anyone could have expected, I can only imagine the stress and hard work everyone put in to get this up and running over the last couple of days. Thank you for pulling this together, clearly your hard work is showing in the final product as from kids standpoint this was a success. Again, thank you for all your hard work and ensuring kids stay engaged.
Kind Regards,
Jignesh Shah
Parent of Kindergarten Student
From the bottom of our hearts! Thank you to you and the whole CHP team 🙂 this is epic. I can’t wait to elaborate on this chapter in their history books 🙂
Visesh H
Parents of Reyaan, Grade 2B Student
Thank you so much for all the effort you all put into pulling this Virtual Academy together for the children and the CHP families. The structure brought so much comfort into a predictable and familiar day for our kids and I couldn’t be more pleased with how the first day went. The fact that I did not have to be very involved in the logistics of today, and I could continue to do my own work, just further emphasizes how successful we felt today was. I know many other schools have not been able to pull off such a great virtual learning system and we are lucky to be part of such a great school! Thank you for bringing some structure into our lives during this time of so many unknowns! Looking forward to this new way of learning for our kids!
Naima and Bilal Aman
Parent of Grade 2, Grade 6 and Grade 7 Students
I just wanted to congratulate you both and all the teachers on a very successful day!! I know it could not of been easy but I for one am so thankful for all your efforts. I was so worried about having these three home all this time and keeping them occupied, happy and learning during this crazy time. And CHP did that! They were excited about today and are looking forward to tomorrow.
Alia Parker
Parent of Grade 1 Student
Ms. Nan and Mr Seeley
What you have pulled together is amazing. Kids not only continue to learn but it’s been a stress free environment for us too. Can’t thank you enough. Have not seen this work so effectively anywhere else. Have heard about every other school sending packets home and parents keeping the kids organized. Not that we parents can’t step in. But to see this massive effort from school is very nice.
Thank you!
Parent of Kindergartener
Hello All,
Just wanted to send a quick note to say how smooth this transition has been. Zoë is enjoying her classes online, and getting to see her teachers and friends! Ms. Selner & Mrs. Sulitzer you two are amazing! Thank you for keeping the classes interactive and interesting! Thank you all for all your hard work and efforts to make this happen!
Donovan & Camille
Parent of Grade 4 Student
Mrs Yurman and Mrs Gadaleta (Grade 4 Teachers), with the first day of virtual learning coming to a close I just wanted to say thank you for all of your hard word and efforts in delivery learning to the children.
Rana Biddle
Parent of Kindergarten Student
Thank you for everything you and Ms. Selner are doing. I appreciate it so much. How involved the kids are is a testimony to how strong of a bond you guys have built with them! It is a beautiful thing to watch the “family” you have created! God bless and please be safe!
Thank you.
Ashika Mehta-Ombe
Parent of Pre-Kindergarten Student
Dear Ilene,
THANK YOU!!! You guys rock. Who would have imagined that we would have to move to this mode of instruction with little ones. At university level, we do teach online classes but K-12 is such a unique space and I admire and really salute all the teachers who have transitioned seamlessly with this effort. Now, we sure will have a story to tell for our future generations!!
Thank you again!
Vanashri Nargund-Joshi
Parent of Grade 4 Student
Thank you Mrs Yurman for all your effort, dedication and creativity, you are heroes too, God bless you.
Best regards,
Juliana Garcia
Parent of Grade 4 Student
Dear Mrs.Yurman and Mrs.Gadaleta,
I just wanted to say thanks for the love and patience you are showing to kids and amazed to watch you both work with these kids during this difficult times. Really appreciate it. May God bless you and all the other teachers, ms.Nan, mr.Seeley, all who help with CHP abundantly with good health and all the best gifts from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights.
Thanks you so much from the bottom of our hearts.
Sasirekha Benneaser
Parent of Grade 4 Student
Thank you Mrs Yurman for all your effort, dedication and creativity, you are heroes too, God bless you.
Best regards,
Juliana Garcia
Parent of Pre-Kindergarten Student
Hi Ilene,
I just wanted to send you a quick note to say that you and Ms. Richardson are doing a PHENOMENAL job with the on-line classroom. The kids are naturally distracted in this new environment but you are keeping them engaged and focused by bringing high energy, fun and participation to the classroom. Based on how smooth the class is operating, I would have guessed we were in month two.. not week two! You both are amazing and make me proud to be a CHP parent.
Thank you for all that you do!
Parent of Pre-Kindergarten Student
Hi Ms. Nan & Principle Seeley,
We are amazed with all your team and staff are doing to maintain a continuous learning environment and ensure there is little to no regression of their knowledge. Chase misses you all and we continue to pray for the safety and health of our entire CHP family.
-Marta & Bryan Bigos
Parent of Grade 4 Student
Dear Ms. Nan,
I just wanted to say thank you for the awesome job that you are doing in the continuity of our school community. Thank you for all the information shared. It is most helpful. Please take care and know that you are appreciated for all that you do for our CHP community.
Rana Biddle
Parent of Preschool Student
Hi Mrs Holstein and Mrs Chari
You both are doing an amazing job with keeping the children engaged through virtual learning. I know it is not easy to catch their attention through web since they are very little but you are successful in doing so.
Thank you so much!!
Vilsu Patel
Parent of Preschool Student
You and Mrs. Chari, are doing such a wonderful job. Ava looks forward to see you all everyday. Thanks for everything!
Priya Baid
Parent of Kindergarten Student
If I haven’t said it before. I really think the Zoom classes are wonderful. All the teachers are committed and I definitely feel blessed we have CHP. Most schools have sent worksheets home and just closed down all together..
Thank You from the bottom of my heart,
FaTina Johnson
Parent of Grade 3 Student
Dear Mrs. Kotasthane,
I just wanted to reach out and thank you for the album that you gave Ava. It is such a thoughtful gift, truly. CHP has such great teachers, but you are above and beyond even that.
Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher and mentor. Ava always talks about how kind and loving you are and how much she likes you. I really love the critical thinking work you give the children and the way that you are constantly trying to challenge them. You are truly an amazing teacher and I am so happy that Ava was able to learn from you this year.
I hope you stay safe and healthy and have a great summer. We look forward to when Laila is in 3rd grade.
Toral S Parekh, Esq.
Parent of Grade 3 Student
Dear Mrs. Kotasthane,
First I want to say thank you for encouraging Mikaela and pushing her to be her best.
She is learning with each year to build up her self confidence which is so important throughout life. Mikaela enjoyed your classes. Loved all your clever ways of getting the kids pumped for Math and Science concepts. We are forever grateful.
We are encouraged by Mikaela’s progress this year and are looking forward to her 4th grade year.
Stay safe
Kisha Rose
Parent of Grade 3 Student
Dear Ms. Kotasthane and Ms. Martinez,
I have shared these same sentiments with Ms. Parab and Ms. Talbert, Grade 1 teachers. I want to start off by thanking the both of you for all the hard work that the two of you have accomplished throughout the school year. I also thank you for providing such a nurturing environment for our children. We are truly fortunate to have such dynamic, adaptable, and dedicated teachers. We truly mean this from the bottom of our hearts. What Cedar Hill Prep and its teachers have done in an attempt to maintain some semblance of normalcy amidst this pandemic is a model to be applauded and repeated across the board. A day does not go by that I am thankful.
What the two have you and Cedar Hill Prep have done for Amar’e’s expressiveness, ambition, and personal growth is priceless. His interpersonal abilities are a reflection of the environment created in your classrooms and the learning experience you provide.
Marcel A. Rogers
Parent of Grade 8 Student
Dear Miss Nan and Mr Seeley,
At a time when we are missing out on personal interaction, it was such a wonderful and touching gesture on your part to personally greet Rohan to give him his graduation gown and board. CHP has been very instrumental in shaping his values and skills that has prepared him for High School.
We will forever be grateful to both of your contributions and the teachers that have been a part of his family during his formative years.
We wish a bright future for CHP, it’s teachers and it’s students.
Thank you,
Rabi Jay