Cedar Hill Prep Celebrated Diwali

Cedar Hill Prep Diwali

Autumn at CHP is a bustling time of year.  The calendar is filled with many celebratory events. On October 18th, the Cedar Hill Prep community celebrated Diwali at Deewan Banquet Hall. Diwali (or Deepavali in Sanskrit) literally means “a row of lights”.  This festival  honors the victory of good over evil and brightness over darkness. The festival of lights is a time for cleaning and decorating houses in preparation for the many visits and feasts with family and friends.  New clothes are worn, gifts are exchanged, and displays of fireworks fill the nighttime sky.

Cedar Hill Prep parents, teachers, and students  sang and danced to the foot tapping music that entertained the audiences. They enjoyed a delicious dinner and had an opportunity to receive a souvenir at  the mehendi station that created temporary tattoos for the guests . A truly great evening was had by all!

Cedar Hill Prep Diwali

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