Character Education

Beyond Academics



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House System

What is a House System?

House systems are a traditional feature of British schools. In this program, the word “house” refers to a group of students. Each student is randomly assigned to a house where they will have many meaningful and beneficial experiences that will promote a positive school culture, school spirit and celebrate academic and social success.

 House Ceremony

What is character development?

An educational movement that promotes the social, emotional, and ethical development of students.

What is the primary purpose of this program?

    1. To model a civil, caring, and just society.
    2. Provide opportunities to apply values such as compassion, responsibility, and fairness in everyday interactions.
  1. Crafting synergy between academic content and desirable character qualities.
  2. Provide opportunities for social recognition for students’ “prosocial activities”.
  3. Develop students understanding of:
    • Rules
    • Their awareness of how their behavior affects others.
    • Other character strengths, such as self-control, the perspective of situations, conflict resolution skills – all needed for the future.

All school staff will take an active role in the house system because we believe that the same values and norms, that govern the life of students, serve to govern the life of the school community.

Cedar Hill Preparatory School Promotes Ten Values

  1. Respect – Give It To Get It.
  2. Responsibility – You Can Do What We Must Do.
  3. Trustworthiness – If You Want To Be Trusted You Have To Be trustworthy.
  4. Tolerance – Many People, One World.
  5. Caring – Makes You A Better Person And The World Is A Better Place.
  6. Diligence – Never, Never Give Up.
  7. Citizenship – Do Your Share.
  8. Fairness – Winning Fairly Is The Only Way To Win.
  9. Courage – Conquers All.
  10. Honesty – The Truth Is The Right Answer.

In addition to the ten values, Cedar Hill Preparatory School will promote the following principles of a positive school culture; as defined by the Character Education Partnership.

  • A safe caring environment in which all students feel welcome and valued and a sense of ownership of their school.
  • An intellectual climate, in which all students are challenged and supported to do their very best and deliver high-quality work; includes a rich, rigorous, and engaging curriculum and a powerful culture for teaching it.
  • Rules and policies that hold all school members accountable to high standards of learning and behavior
  • Traditions and routines that honor and reinforce the school’s academic and social standards.
  • Framework for giving staff and students a voice in, and shared responsibility for solving problems and making decisions that affect the school environment and their common lives.
  • Methods of partnering with families to support student’s learning and character growth.
  • Models for adult relationships and behaviors that create a professional culture of excellence and ethics aligned with the desired student culture.

Leadership Values

Leaders impact all of our lives on a daily basis. It is important for the students to understand that the same leadership values they live by, provide inspiration and help establish an environment of continuous improvement in their lives and the lives of others. As such, the need for strong leadership remains constant and ever present. The following leadership values will be promoted in the House System program:

  • Ethical Behavior – Do What’s Right, Not What’s Easy.
  • Act With Good Intentions – Consider What’s Best For The Greater Good Of All.
  • Integrity – Be Honest And Do What You Say You Are Going To Do.
  • Accountability – Take Ownership For The Choices You Make.
  • Excellence – Always Give 100%.
  • Service – Give Back / Lend A Helping Hand.
  • Live The Values Daily – Demonstrate Your Values Every Day.

A school’s responsibility to its students reaches far beyond academics. Standing together with parents, we can strengthen our communities; shape the school of today and the fabric of our society tomorrow by molding students into citizens who will have a positive influence in the world.

Want to learn more about our school? Attend an Open House!